Keep Your Pet Safe and Found with Microchip ID Services

Microchip implants are a safe and reliable way to improve the chances of recovering a lost pet. One of the most frightening experiences a pet owner can have is losing a pet. Statistics indicate that one out of three pets will become lost in their lifetime, and 90% of lost pets never find their way home because of no identification. An even scarier statistic is that 30–60% of those pets will be euthanized at animal shelters because they have no identification. Collars and nametags can be helpful in recovering a lost pet, but because they are external, they can be removed or lost. The permanent way to secure your pet’s identification is with a microchip implant.
This technology allows your pet to carry indispensable identification and contact information on a devise the size of a grain of rice. During an office visit, the chip can be quickly and easily implanted under the skin and remain as a permanent means to identify your pet if lost. Microchips can also be placed while your pet is under anesthesia for another procedure. Veterinarians and animal shelters routinely scan recovered animals for microchips, contacting owners of lost pets using the contact information the chips contain. By implanting a microchip at your pet’s next visit, we are helping to improve the chances of your pet being returned home.
The most important step after having your pet microchipped is to register your pet’s unique microchip number with the microchip service. Microchip tracking will only work for a lost pet if that pet can be matched up with the owner. This can easily be done online or through the mail, and usually involves a small annual fee to keep your pet’s information up to date and in a national databank, monitored by recovery specialists 24/7.
For more information about having your pet microchipped, visit HomeAgain.